I am nothing but a dirty human-
with human fears, human tears,
problems,and a past to let go of.
I have a human future,
and even human desires.
So how could an angel,
so pure and fine as God,
have loved me like you did?
Your wings like snow;
Your beautiful golden halo.
My dirty hands;
My red blood and mortal soul.
When I cried my salty tears,
You lifted me up
and carried me to grace where I was happy.
I then returned to mortal Earth
and all these earthly problems.
Why have you left?
That sweet taste of heavenly love
has left me aching for more of you.
(c. 1998)
Note: This was written a few years after the end of a relationship with the first boy I ever loved. It took me a long time to get over it. I chose to title it this way because it felt as though the relationship had a been an evil gift: something short and fleeting, nothing more than a tease. It was also written long enough after the end that it started to feel like I'd never love another person the same way. The religious themes are there because they were a big part of his life and mine. So this is for BP.
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